Default Apps (2023)
It feels a little no effort November, but I've seen this list pop up on a few blogs and figured I would add mine so I can compare next year. You can see a great list of these from the Hemispheric Views podcast listeners.
Just my personal list (work is sometimes quite different)
📨 Mail Client: Fastmail web and iOS app
📮 Mail Server: Fastmail
📝 Notes: Apple Notes, Scratchpad
✅ To-Do: Reminders
📷 Photo Shooting: Camera (iOS)
🟦 Photo Management: Photos (Mac and iOS)
📆 Calendar: Fastmail via Fantastical
📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud Drive
📖 RSS: Feedbin via Feedbin web and NetNewsWire
🌐 Browser: Firefox, Safari (iOS)
🔖 Bookmarks: bm2
📜 Word Processing: Google Docs
📈 Spreadsheets: Google Sheets
🛒 Shopping Lists: Apple Notes
🎵 Music: Apple Music
🎤 Podcasts: Overcast
🔐 Password Management: 1password
Currently looking for: a Read it Later approach that works for my scattered workflow.
In the past I've kept ordered lists of apps I use (2023 vs 2019) and it turns out I don't change things up that often.